Monday, 18 April 2011

True Blood Season 1 Episode 6

Cold Ground
Numbed by tragedy, Sookie looks for refuge from the cacophony of her friends' and neighbors' inner voices. After lashing out at his sister and decking Andy, Jason wrestles with withdrawal symptoms from his V juice habit.

Link 1: Megavideo
Link 2: VideoWeed
Link 3: Loombo
Link 4: VidX Den

True Blood Season 1 Episode 5

Sparks Fly Out

At the Descendants of the Glorious Dead meeting Bill is invited to talk about his life as a Confederate Soldier. Bill then has a question and answer session when one member of the DGD shows Bill a tintype of the Compton family.

Link 1: Videobb
Link 2: VideoWeed
Link 3: VidX Den
Link 4: Megavideo

True Blood Season 1 Episode 4

Escape From Dragon House
When one of Merlotte's barmaids is murdered, all fingers point to Jason. And Sookie goes to new territory to find the truth and prove her brother's innocence.

Link 1: VidBuX
Link 2: VideoWeed
Link 3: VidX Den

True Blood Season 1 Episode 3

Bill introduces Sookie to some of his rather hostile and uncontrolable vampire friends, who seem to have taken over and are very keen on Sookie. Meanwhile, Tara is still troubled by her family and tries to find comfort at at LaFeyette's.

Link 1: VideoWeed
Link 2: VidBux

True Blood Season 1 Episode 2

The First Taste
Sookie believes Bill has something to do with the people that tried to kill her. Tara has some family issues to deal with.

Link 1: Megavideo
Link 2: VidX Den
Link 3: VideoWeed

True Blood Season 1 Episode 1

Strange Love
Opening with two young adults driving down the road they see a sign selling Tru Blood. After a short confrontation with a vampire they take off. Next, Sookie Stackhouse,a waitress at a local Bar notices a vampire who walks in.

Link 1: Megavideo
link 2: VidX Den

Monday, 11 April 2011

Stream Me

Will update season 1-2 soon enough, and more links to season 3, please be patient
Thankyou Stream Me Admins!